Compliance & Security

Approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka MarxPay is a pioneer in Sri Lanka’s digital payments sector, aligned with the government’s ambition to digitize the country’s economy. We are focused on eliminating the day-to-day difficulties of traditional transaction methods in order to provide the benefits of digital transactions to every individual and business in the country.

Marx Services are governed by: (a) Section 44 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act & Regulations made thereunder, (b) Guideline No. : 01/2018 Guidelines on Minimum Compliance Standards for Payment Related Mobile Applications These Guidelines are issued in terms of Section 44 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act.

In order to fulfill our compliance and regulatory requirements, we have appointed TechCERT as our network and security auditor who does periodic reviews annually of the mobile app and backend servers. TechCERT is Sri Lanka’s first and largest Computer Emergency Readiness Team which provides comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.

(Who issues LANKAQR codes to merchants)

Acts and Regulations Pertaining to payments